Thursday, February 10, 2011

Piano Exam

I did my piano exam a week and a half ago. I just found out my results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 84!!!!!!! Which is a First Class Honors. AND it was only my first exam!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!


Friday, February 4, 2011


Hey everyone! Please, could you read my story? I'm not sure what the title will be...
The story is at


Snow Day

On Wednesday, all TDSB and TCDSB students had a snow day! It was awesome. The last time it happened, it was in 1999. Now it's 2011. 12 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More than a decade. Now only 12 more years till the next one...
If you had a snow day and you enjoyed it (and you go to school in the TDSB or the TCDSB), why don't you email Dr. Chris Spence and say thank you. I did and he replied. His email is
don't spam him or anything. He won't like it.
